Want to learn more? Visit our SKIP THE LINE form to start your ICBC online renewal.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is SKIP THE LINE Fast Path ICBC form?
With the SKIP THE LINE Fast Path ICBC form, you can easily renew you auto insurance fully online. Your Western insurance experts are ready to process your SKIP THE LINE Fast Path ICBC form.
It’s offered to drivers who use their cars or trucks for pleasure, to and from work, and to and from work with transit and business use. It is not currently available for delivery use.
An ICBC online renewal is available for vehicles owned by only one owner. If you have a jointly owned vehicle, your Western insurance expert can help you renew your insurance in person.
Important: Even if you renew ICBC online, you will need to keep a paper copy of your insurance renewal in your vehicle.
2. What If I don’t renew my ICBC insurance online?
You can still renew your ICBC insurance in person or over the phone with your Western Insurance expert.
3. How can I pay for my ICBC renewal?
You can pay with a major credit card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX).
Please consider the ICBC Autoplan payment plan: It’s an easy way for customers to spread the cost of their insurance with monthly or quarterly payments. It has very low finance rates divided over equal monthly or quarterly payments. You can choose the date when the payments come out of your account.
ICBC's payment plan is available to the registered owner (or named lessee) of the insured vehicle as long as they have a Canadian chequing or savings account that allows pre-authorized withdrawal.
For youth under 19, a parent or guardian needs to co-sign the payment plan.
What happens if I miss a payment?
- You can come into a Western office and see us and we will help you.
- An $18.00 service charge will be added to the amount owing to ICBC (on first unsuccessful attempt to withdraw the monthly payment)
- Within three to five business days, ICBC will try to withdraw the missed payment again, plus the service charge.
- If that's unsuccessful, ICBC will contact you to organize payment.
You will still have insurance, but not the payment plan.
4. How Can I Get an ICBC Autoplan Quote?
Come to a Western office and we’ll give you a detailed quote.
5. What is the basic Autoplan insurance for ICBC?
Basic autoplan insurance includes $200,000 in Third Party Liability coverage. Third-party liability continues to be important in certain circumstances, such as non-vehicle property damage or driving out of province, and can protect you in situations where the law permits the other driver to sue.
If you make a third-party liability claim against the person who's responsible for an auto crash and they don't have enough insurance to pay for your claim, Underinsured Motorist Protection (UMP) covers you. Basic underinsured motorist protection covers you and members of your household for claims of up to $1 million per insured person.
If you want to increase the amount of coverage you have in the event you're responsible for a crash, you may want to consider Extended Third Party Liability coverage, an optional Autoplan coverage.
6. What about ICBC discounts?
Discounts – are you getting them all?
- Discount for Advanced Safety Technology: Vehicles equipped with factory-installed autonomous emergency braking (AEB) are eligible for a 10% discount as AEB has been statistically shown to help prevent crashes.
- Experienced Driver discount
Generally, drivers with more years of driving experience will see greater savings. You will be able to receive basic insurance savings for up to 40 years of driving experience, up from the current nine years of crash-free driving.
Basic insurance premiums are currently discounted for inexperienced drivers. ICBC continues to offer discounted premiums but, however, these discounts will be reduced with one at-fault crash, and eliminated with a second crash in the same scan period.
- Low-kilometre and distance-based discounts: Don’t drive often? You may be eligible for a new discount next year. Bring a photo of your current odometer reading when you buy or renew your insurance
Yes! A 10 per cent discount for vehicles that are driven less than 5,000 km in a year. The discount applies to Basic, Extended Third-Party Liability and Collision premiums.
The discount is based on the mileage driven over the last 12 months. This is determined by an odometer reading from the previous policy term, and another at the policy’s renewal a year later.
Note: There are certain rate classes that are not eligible, such as motorcycles and collector vehicles because their rate classes already reflect low kilometres travelled because most of these vehicles are not used year-round. This discount is meant for those who are in rate classes where the majority of the vehicles are driven longer distances.
Is there a Senior Discount?
The Senior Driver Factor reduces the IDF for eligible drivers aged 65 or older. The potential savings of the Senior Driver Factor decrease if there is a chargeable claim within the scan period.
How chargeable claims affect the Senior Driver Factor: If the eligible driver has a chargeable claim in the 10-year scan period, the potential savings from the Senior Driver Factor are decreased by half. If the driver has two or more chargeable claims in the 10-year scan period, the Senior Driver Factor will be neutral and no longer reduce the driver's IDF.
Disability Discount: Do you qualify?
Effective March 17, 2022, for policies effective May 1, 2022, the eligibility criteria will now align with the Fuel Tax Refund Program. Anyone eligible for the Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilities (FTRPPD) is also eligible for the DD, as long as the vehicle is rated in an eligible rate class. This includes vehicles where a person with disabilities
- Is not listed as the RO or lessee, but has demonstrated an ownership interest in the vehicle through application for the FTRPPD, and
- Has a Motor Fuel Tax Refund registration number.
The owner or lessee of the vehicle is required to show you a copy of the registration confirmation letter issued by Ministry of Finance - CTB
7. What factors will affect my ICBC rate?
Do you take your vehicle to work every day? Do you take public transportation? Is your vehicle sitting during certain seasons? There are different types of vehicle use that will affect your annual premium. Here’s some more info on each to ensure you have the proper use selected for your lifestyle.
- Driver Experience: We’ve heard it before, a good driving record is important, especially when determining insurance premium rates. If you have a year of good driving record, it will better your discounts available, up to 40 years.
- Crash History: The more crashes you have, the higher your insurance will cost. It pays to be a safe driver!
- Drivers of Your Vehicle: It also matters who is operating your vehicle. Their experience and crash history will impact the risk of your vehicle overall.
- Location: Your location and where you live also determines how much you pay. British Columbia is broken up into territories, which have a rating associated with their potential risk. Each territory will have risks that can impact the likelihood of a claim. For instance, you’re more likely to have a vandalism claim in a highly populated urban area as opposed to the solitude of northern B.C.
Use of Vehicle:
- Commuting: You commute to work or school in addition to using your car for pleasure.
- Business: Your vehicle is used for your business.
- Pleasure: There are no restrictions for pleasure use like errands, taking children to school, or vacation use. You can use your vehicle no more than six times a month for going to work. Most people who have this are those who are retired, stay at home parent or on maternity leave, or those who take other forms of transportation to work or school
- Delivery Use insurance: Food, people, and parcel delivery, such as Uber, DoorDash and Amazon.